Amber O’Reilly – 2019 Riding Mountain Artists’ Residency

Amber O’Reilly is an artist in residence at the Deep Bay Cabin for the 2019 Riding Mountain Artists Residency. Amber, originally from Yellowknife, Northwest Territories, is an emerging Francophone and multilingual poet, spoken word, and theatre artist, now based in Winnipeg. Her poetry focuses on family, romantic, and geographic relationships. During her residency in RidingRead More

Indigenous 360 – David Robertson

The Manitoba Arts Council is proud to announce that we have launched the Indigenous 360, Supporting Indigenous artists and communities to create, share, and learn. The application deadline for Indigenous 360 is November 29th, 2018. In celebration of this new initiative, we will be highlighting MAC funded Indigenous artists and artistic initiatives. The Manitoba ArtsRead More

An Interview with Maurice Mierau, Recipient of the Manitoba Arts Council’s 2017 Major Arts Grant

Maurice Mierau has been awarded the Manitoba Arts Council’s 2017 Major Arts Grant. This grant will assist the Winnipeg-based writer to work on the manuscript of his second memoir. Maurice Mierau is the author of Detachment: An Adoption Memoir, which won the 2016 Kobzar Literary Award and the Alexander Kennedy Isbister Award for Non-Fiction. He has publishedRead More

Maurice Mierau

Maurice Mierau is Awarded the Manitoba Arts Council’s 2017 Major Arts Grant

Maurice Mierau has been awarded the Manitoba Arts Council’s 2017 Major Arts Grant. This grant will assist the Winnipeg-based writer to work on the manuscript of his second memoir. His last book, Detachment: An Adoption Memoir, was published by Freehand in 2014, and won the 2016 Kobzar Literary Award as well as the Alexander KennedyRead More

Donna Besel – 2016 Deep Bay Artists’ Residency

Donna Besel grew up in Whiteshell Provincial Park and self-identifies as a boreal writer. She loves writing of all kinds, and leads workshops for all ages. Her first book, Lessons from a Nude Man, a collection of short stories, was published by Hagios Press in 2015 and earned a fourth place spot on McNally Robinson’sRead More

Angeline Schellenberg – 2016 Deep Bay Artists’ Residency

Angeline Schellenberg’s first collection, Tell Them It Was Mozart (Brick Books), is coming in September 2016.  Her chapbook, Roads of Stone, was published by Alfred Gustav Press in 2015. Her poetry appears in various journals including Prairie Fire, CV2, TNQ, Rhubarb, Room, Grain, and Geez.  Her poem, “Black with a Vengeance”, was shortlisted for Arc’sRead More

Di Brandt – 2016 Deep Bay Artists’ Residency

Di Brandt is an internationally-renowned, award-winning poet, and editor/author of more than a dozen books of poetry, fiction, creative essays and literary criticism. Her bestselling first collection of poetry, questions i asked my mother, was re-issued in 2015 in a 30th anniversary edition, with a tribute essay by Tanis MacDonald. Her latest poetry title isRead More