How to submit your application on MAC’s new Online Application System

This is the third of three tutorials.

  1. How to create your profile
  2. How to start your application
  3. How to compete and submit your application

We’re going to walk through how to complete and submit your application on the Manitoba Arts Council’s Online Application System. So, let’s get started!

You’ve already created your profile in our Online Application System.  Your profile has been approved and you started working on an application. It’s time to finish up your application and submit it. So log-in to your profile and you’ll see the draft of your application in the “My Applications” section. Click on the “Open” button to open the application.

We’re working on a “Create” grant but many of the features of this application are similar across most of our other programs.

Last tutorial we talked about how to start your application. Today we’ll look at how to upload documents and support materials, and, how to fill-in the budget.


Collaborator Information

If you’re collaborating with other artists, then you will need to include some background information about them. Click on the “Collaborator” tab to see what’s required. If you don’t have any other participants involved in your project, then you can skip this part.

You’ll need to include the names of key participants in this form.

You can add more names by clicking the “+” button.

Don’t forget to click save before you close the form. You should see all the participants names you entered on the page for your reference.

Before you upload any resumes or bios, remember to include the name of the collaborating artist in each file name.

Now let’s work on the support material section. You have two options for moving from one section of an application to another. You can either simply click on the section tab that you want to work on, or, click the “back” or “next” arrows on the bottom left and right-hand side of the screen.


Support Materials

Review the support material guidelines on this page. You must include support material with most applications and certainly in the Create program. You can upload a maximum of 3 items with your application. You can include three of the same items (45 pages of a writing sample, for instance) or a combination of images, text, audio, and visual materials.

Click on the “File Description” button to input information about what kind of support material you are adding to your application.

Just like in the collaborators tab, you can add more rows by clicking on the “+” button.  And don’t forget to save once you’re done. When you close the document, you should see all the information on the page.

Now it’s time to upload your support material. This is the same process as uploading the collaborators information or your resume when you were creating your profile. When you click on each different item of support material, you will see specific information about size and form restrictions.

If you don’t adhere to these guidelines your support material will not be forward to the assessors.

And finally, let’s take a look at the budget form.


When you open the budget tab, you will see an overview of all the fields in the budget template. They won’t all be applicable to every project. The budget template is used for all artistic disciplines so ignore sections that aren’t applicable to your artistic discipline or specific project. Only fill-in the ones that are applicable to you. Click on the “Budget” button to open the template.

The most important thing to remember about the budget is that it must balance. You will not be able to submit your application if your expenses and revenues are not the same. The template will keep track of both figures, so you can easily see how you are doing.

Don’t forget to include how much you are requesting from MAC. And wherever necessary, use the notes function in the template to clarify any revenues or expenses you think require context or further explanation.

And, as always, don’t forget to hit the “save” button.


Submitting your application

When you’re ready to submit your application, simply hit the, “Submit your Application” button.  If you’ve missed anything, an error message will pop-up with any errors or omissions in your application.

Simply click on the individual error it will take you to the part of the application you need to amend or revise.

Once you have addressed any errors don’t forget to save your application before you hit submit. Your submitted application can be viewed in the “my applications” section where it will have moved from draft status to submitted.

Be sure to submit on or before the deadline (11:59 pm of the deadline day of the program you are applying to). Late submissions will not be accepted.


So that’s it for today’s tutorials.

For assistance, call 204-945-2237 or (toll-free) 1-866-994-ARTS (2787) or email