We’ve made changes to several of our grants:
- Create:
- We’ve created a new grant type for mid-career artists and arts groups with a maximum grant amount of $10,000!
- The new winter deadline to apply is March 20.
- Learn – Travel/Professional Development: Starting in September 2024, deadlines for Travel/PD grant applications will occur every two months. The deadlines for the next year are:
- July 15, 2024
- September 1, 2024
- November 1, 2024
- January 1, 2025
- March 1, 2025
- May 1, 2025
- July 1, 2025
- Share – Artists in Communities:
- $1,000 micro-grants are now available for individuals!
- Applications by individuals and arts groups will be assessed internally by MAC program consultants, while applications by organizations will be assessed by peer assessment.
- Large-scale grants over $7.5K must have matching revenue from other sources.
- Organizations can’t apply for Artists in Communities grants if they already receive funds from Operate and Community Impact grants.
- General guidelines:
- Your proposed project can only begin after the deadline to which you’re applying.
- If your application has been declined, you can only resubmit your application for another deadline once.
- Per diem: the amount has been increased to $75/day for travel south of the 53rd parallel and $90/day for travel North of the 53rd parellel or outside Canada.
Also, we’ve made a couple changes in Manipogo, our online application system:
- Electronic Fund Transfers: You can now receive your grant payments by electronic fund transfer (EFT). The option to select between payment by EFT or cheque can be found in the funding agreement.
- The support material form has been simplified.