Grant Results

Search the awards made by the Manitoba Arts Council since the end of 2018* (when MAC launched its online application system, Manipogo).

You can filter and sort search results based on deadline, fiscal year †, recipient ‡, amount, and discipline.

These results are updated daily.

MAC also publishes a statistical overview of awarded grants and peer assessors annually. You can find these documents on the Research page.

* Grant results prior to the end of 2018 are available on our Plans and Reports webpage
† MAC’s fiscal year runs from April 1 to March 31.
‡ Individual recipients may be listed by a professional name if it is different from their legal name.

4054 results. Page 81 of 82.

Deadline Year Program Recipient Amount Disciplines Note
2024-07-15 2024-25 Learn - Travel/PD Solange Roy $750 Visual arts
2024-07-15 2024-25 Learn - Travel/PD Ekene Emeka Maduka $1,000 Visual arts
2024-09-15 2024-25 Share - Artists in Community Sunrise Performing Arts Centre of Excellence (the SPACE) Inc $5,619 Visual arts
2024-09-10 2024-25 Share - Present FLASH photographic festival Inc. $11,250 Visual arts
2024-10-25 2024-25 Indigenous 360 Jessie Jannuska $14,974 Visual arts
2024-10-05 2024-25 Share - Artists in Schools Solange Roy $870 Visual arts in partnership with Laidlaw School
2024-10-10 2024-25 Create Bronwyn Lutz-Greenhow $5,960 Visual arts
2024-10-05 2024-25 Share - Artists in Schools Alejandra Diaz Roman $4,080 Visual arts in partnership with St. John'S-Ravenscourt School
2024-09-10 2024-25 Share - Present Centre for Cultural and Artistic Practice $7,517 Visual arts
2024-09-15 2024-25 Share - Artists in Community Kelly Campbell $6,250 Visual arts
2024-09-15 2024-25 Share - Artists in Community Yisa Akinbolaji $6,192 Visual arts
2024-10-05 2024-25 Share - Artists in Schools Heather Martens Rempel $1,420 Visual arts in partnership with Austin Christian Academy
2024-10-05 2024-25 Share - Artists in Schools Bronwyn Lutz-Greenhow $5,300 Visual arts in partnership with Churchill High School
2024-10-05 2024-25 Share - Artists in Schools Cat (Cathleen Hues) $4,653 Visual arts in partnership with Golden Gate Middle School
2024-10-10 2024-25 Create Sarah Fuller $8,160 Visual arts
2024-10-10 2024-25 Create Cullen Bingeman $6,280 Visual arts
2024-10-05 2024-25 Share - Artists in Schools Sarah Teakle $6,923 Visual arts in partnership with Happy Thought School
2024-10-05 2024-25 Share - Artists in Schools Nicole Shimonek $2,754 Visual arts in partnership with Rosenfeld Elementary
2024-10-10 2024-25 Create Megan D. Krause $8,750 Visual arts
2024-10-05 2024-25 Share - Artists in Schools Ursula Neufeld $7,160 Visual arts in partnership with Riverside School École Riverside
2024-10-25 2024-25 Indigenous 360 Shaun Finnigan $10,633 Visual arts
2024-10-10 2024-25 Create Lisa Stinner $12,925 Visual arts
2024-10-10 2024-25 Create Michael Mogatas $4,390 Visual arts
2024-10-25 2024-25 Indigenous 360 Deanna Davis $750 Visual arts
2018-12-06 2018-19 Create Leah Decter $15,000 Visual arts; Other
2019-12-01 2019-20 Learn - Travel/PD Zahra Baseri $1,000 Visual arts; Other
2020-02-03 2020-21 Share - Artists in Community Public Parking $10,360 Visual arts; Other
2020-04-30 2020-21 Learn - Scholarships Noor Bhangu $3,000 Visual arts; Other
2020-09-10 2020-21 Share - Present Graffiti Art Programming Inc. $9,485 Visual arts; Other
2020-10-10 2020-21 Create Gabriela Agüero $11,250 Visual arts; Other
2020-09-15 2020-21 Support - Strengthen The Edge Urban Art Centre $4,500 Visual arts; Other
2021-01-30 2021-22 Share - Artists in Community Healthy Muslim Families $5,000 Visual arts; Other
2021-02-15 2021-22 Create Leah Decter $15,000 Visual arts; Other
2021-03-01 2020-21 Learn - Travel/PD David Peters $917 Visual arts; Other
2021-05-15 2021-22 Share - Artists in Community Julia Wake $5,000 Visual arts; Other
2021-06-01 2021-22 Learn - Scholarships Noor Bhangu $3,000 Visual arts; Other
2021-07-05 2021-22 Arts and Culture Sustainability Fund Town of Stonewall (Quarry Park Museum) $13,344 Visual arts; Other
2021-09-01 2021-22 Learn - Travel/PD Lindsay Inglis $1,000 Visual arts; Other
2021-09-15 2021-22 Share - Artists in Community Healthy Muslim Families $5,000 Visual arts; Other
2021-09-25 2021-22 Indigenous 360 - Create Natasha Turner $14,062 Visual arts; Other
2022-10-10 2022-23 Create Leah Decter $15,000 Visual arts; Other
2022-10-10 2022-23 Create Sean Parenteau $15,000 Visual arts; Other
2022-02-28 2021-22 Arts and Culture Sustainability Fund Storefront Manitoba Inc. $14,600 Visual arts; Other
2022-03-08 2021-22 Support - Adapt Goota Ashoona $10,000 Visual arts; Other
2023-01-30 2022-23 Share - Artists in Community Tamara Roshka $4,167 Visual arts; Other
2023-06-01 2023-24 Learn - Scholarships Derek Dunlop $3,000 Visual arts; Other
2023-10-05 2023-24 Share - Artists in Schools Reza Rezaï $7,500 Visual arts; Other in partnership with Churchill High School
2023-10-25 2023-24 Indigenous 360 Borealis Beading $4,583 Visual arts; Other
2023-10-10 2023-24 Create Alex Keim $7,500 Visual arts; Other
2023-10-25 2023-24 Indigenous 360 Manitoba Indigenous Cultural Education Centre Inc. $13,750 Visual arts; Other

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