Search the awards made by the Manitoba Arts Council since the end of 2018* (when MAC launched its online application system, Manipogo).
You can filter and sort search results based on deadline, fiscal year †, recipient ‡, amount, and discipline.
These results are updated daily.
MAC also publishes a statistical overview of awarded grants and peer assessors annually. You can find these documents on the Research page.
* Grant results prior to the end of 2018 are available on our Plans and Reports webpage
† MAC’s fiscal year runs from April 1 to March 31.
‡ Individual recipients may be listed by a professional name if it is different from their legal name.
4072 results. Page 8 of 82.
Deadline | Year | Program | Recipient | Amount | Disciplines | Note |
2023-10-05 | 2023-24 | Share - Artists in Schools | Lasha Mowchun | $7,499 | Media arts | in partnership with Killarney School |
2021-06-05 | 2021-22 | Share - Artists in Schools | Jennifer Still | $13,750 | Literary arts; Media arts; Visual arts | in partnership with Kildonan-East Collegiate |
2021-10-05 | 2021-22 | Share - Artists in Schools | Jay Stoller | $5,371 | Dance; Music | in partnership with Kelsey Community School |
2019-06-05 | 2019-20 | Share - Artists in Schools | Praire Allure | $2,362 | Craft | in partnership with Kamsley School |
2023-10-05 | 2023-24 | Share - Artists in Schools | Kelleen Blouin | $7,092 | Dance | in partnership with Juniper School |
2019-10-05 | 2019-20 | Share - Artists in Schools | Judy Cook | $3,000 | Dance | in partnership with Joseph Teres School |
2019-06-05 | 2019-20 | Share - Artists in Schools | THE MAN OF STONE | $6,670 | Craft | in partnership with Joseph H. Kerr School |
2022-10-05 | 2022-23 | Share - Artists in Schools | Kerri Parnell | $5,627 | Visual arts | in partnership with John Taylor Collegiate |
2019-10-05 | 2019-20 | Share - Artists in Schools | Art by Annie | $7,400 | Visual arts | in partnership with John De Graff School |
2021-10-05 | 2021-22 | Share - Artists in Schools | Emily Granger | $3,135 | Craft; Media arts; Visual arts | in partnership with James Nisbet Community School |
2022-10-05 | 2022-23 | Share - Artists in Schools | Emily Granger | $2,728 | Craft; Media arts; Music; Other | in partnership with James Nisbet Community School |
2019-06-05 | 2019-20 | Share - Artists in Schools | Goldrock Press | $7,500 | Literary arts | in partnership with Jack River School |
2019-10-05 | 2019-20 | Share - Artists in Schools | Lasha Mowchun | $5,901 | Literary arts; Media arts | in partnership with Jack River School |
2021-06-05 | 2021-22 | Share - Artists in Schools | Lindsey White | $9,525 | Music | in partnership with Isaac Brock School |
2021-06-05 | 2021-22 | Share - Artists in Schools | Kerri Parnell | $6,742 | Visual arts | in partnership with Institut Collegial Vincent Massey Collegiate |
2021-06-05 | 2021-22 | Share - Artists in Schools | Freeze Frame | $6,875 | Media arts | in partnership with Institut Collégial St. Paul's Collegiate |
2019-06-05 | 2019-20 | Share - Artists in Schools | Lindsey White | $5,400 | Music | in partnership with Inkster School |
2023-06-05 | 2023-24 | Share - Artists in Schools | Neil Watson | $12,205 | in partnership with HUGH JOHN MACDONALD SCHOOL | |
2024-06-05 | 2024-25 | Share - Artists in Schools | Neil Watson | $14,600 | Music | in partnership with Hugh John Macdonald School |
2022-06-05 | 2022-23 | Share - Artists in Schools | Michael Falk | $13,500 | Music | in partnership with Hugh John MacDonald |
2019-10-05 | 2019-20 | Share - Artists in Schools | Fubuki Daiko | $3,150 | Music | in partnership with Holy Ghost School |
2023-10-05 | 2023-24 | Share - Artists in Schools | Jamie Oliviero | $1,171 | Other | in partnership with Holy Ghost School |
2024-06-05 | 2024-25 | Share - Artists in Schools | Nicole Shimonek | $2,881 | Media arts | in partnership with Holy Ghost School |
2024-06-05 | 2024-25 | Share - Artists in Schools | Ursula Neufeld | $3,353 | Visual arts | in partnership with Hofer School |
2020-06-05 | 2020-21 | Share - Artists in Schools | Alejandra Diaz Roman | $2,700 | Visual arts | in partnership with Highbury School |
2023-06-05 | 2023-24 | Share - Artists in Schools | Alejandra Diaz Roman | $7,500 | in partnership with HIGHBURY SCHOOL | |
2023-06-05 | 2023-24 | Share - Artists in Schools | Fubuki Daiko | $4,558 | in partnership with HEYES ELEMENTARY | |
2019-06-05 | 2019-20 | Share - Artists in Schools | Gérald Laroche | $1,500 | Visual arts | in partnership with Henry G. Izatt Middle School |
2022-10-05 | 2022-23 | Share - Artists in Schools | Madelyn Gowler | $13,125 | Media arts | in partnership with Henry G. Izatt Middle School |
2023-06-05 | 2023-24 | Share - Artists in Schools | Madelyn Gowler | $2,741 | in partnership with HENRY G. IZATT MIDDLE SCHOOL | |
2024-10-05 | 2024-25 | Share - Artists in Schools | Sarah Teakle | $6,923 | Visual arts | in partnership with Happy Thought School |
2024-10-05 | 2024-25 | Share - Artists in Schools | Karen Clark | $4,935 | Craft; Visual arts | in partnership with Hapnot Collegiate Institut Collégial Hapnot |
2024-06-05 | 2024-25 | Share - Artists in Schools | Joan Trott | $3,900 | Craft; Inter-arts; Literary arts; Visual arts | in partnership with Hamiota Elementary |
2021-10-05 | 2021-22 | Share - Artists in Schools | Erica Lowe | $1,528 | Craft; Media arts; Visual arts | in partnership with Hamiota Collegiate Institute |
2019-10-05 | 2019-20 | Share - Artists in Schools | Erica Lowe | $2,118 | Literary arts; Visual arts | in partnership with Hamiota Collegiate |
2024-06-05 | 2024-25 | Share - Artists in Schools | erica lowe | $1,145 | Media arts; Visual arts | in partnership with Hamiota Collegiate |
2019-06-05 | 2019-20 | Share - Artists in Schools | Alejandra Diaz Roman | $4,600 | Visual arts | in partnership with H.S. Paul School |
2022-06-05 | 2022-23 | Share - Artists in Schools | Lindsey White | $4,472 | Music | in partnership with Grosse Isle School |
2023-06-05 | 2023-24 | Share - Artists in Schools | Fubuki Daiko | $6,342 | in partnership with GRETNA ELEMENTARY | |
2023-10-05 | 2023-24 | Share - Artists in Schools | Sarah Teakle | $7,490 | Visual arts | in partnership with Greenway School |
2019-10-05 | 2019-20 | Share - Artists in Schools | Stephen Sim | $2,448 | Theatre | in partnership with Green Valley School |
2020-06-05 | 2020-21 | Share - Artists in Schools | Freeze Frame | $2,700 | Media arts | in partnership with Green Acres School |
2023-10-05 | 2023-24 | Share - Artists in Schools | Mitchell Makoons | $1,130 | Music | in partnership with Green Acres School |
2023-06-05 | 2023-24 | Share - Artists in Schools | Angela Chalmers | $15,000 | in partnership with GRAND RAPIDS SCHOOL | |
2023-06-05 | 2023-24 | Share - Artists in Schools | Joel Penner | $11,536 | in partnership with GORDON BELL HIGH SCHOOL | |
2024-06-05 | 2024-25 | Share - Artists in Schools | Joel Penner | $14,983 | Media arts | in partnership with Gordon Bell High School |
2024-06-05 | 2024-25 | Share - Artists in Schools | Meraki Theatre | $15,000 | Theatre | in partnership with Gonzaga Middle School |
2024-10-05 | 2024-25 | Share - Artists in Schools | Cat (Cathleen Hues) | $4,653 | Visual arts | in partnership with Golden Gate Middle School |
2019-06-05 | 2019-20 | Share - Artists in Schools | Evans Coffie | $7,240 | Dance; Music | in partnership with God's Lake Narrows First Nation School |
2019-10-05 | 2019-20 | Share - Artists in Schools | Lindsey White | $4,250 | Music | in partnership with Glenelm School |