Search the awards made by the Manitoba Arts Council since the end of 2018* (when MAC launched its online application system, Manipogo).
You can filter and sort search results based on deadline, fiscal year †, recipient ‡, amount, and discipline.
These results are updated daily.
MAC also publishes a statistical overview of awarded grants and peer assessors annually. You can find these documents on the Research page.
* Grant results prior to the end of 2018 are available on our Plans and Reports webpage
† MAC’s fiscal year runs from April 1 to March 31.
‡ Individual recipients may be listed by a professional name if it is different from their legal name.
4072 results. Page 8 of 82.
Deadline | Year | Program | Recipient | Amount | Disciplines | Note |
2019-09-10 | 2019-20 | Share - Tour | Winnipeg Jazz Orchestra | $8,000 | Music | |
2019-10-15 | 2019-20 | Learn - Travel/PD | Luann Hiebert | $199 | Literary arts | |
2019-09-15 | 2019-20 | Support - Strengthen | Manitoba Printmakers Association Inc. / Martha Street Studio | $5,000 | Visual arts | |
2019-09-25 | 2019-20 | Indigenous 360 - Learn | Renee Strong | $5,000 | Visual arts | |
2019-10-15 | 2019-20 | Learn - Travel/PD | Taylor Goodson | $750 | Other | |
2019-10-15 | 2019-20 | Learn - Travel/PD | Candace Lipischak | $1,000 | Visual arts | |
2019-09-15 | 2019-20 | Share - Artists in Community | Gwen Secter Creative Living Centre | $15,000 | Music | |
2019-09-15 | 2019-20 | Support - Strengthen | Art City Inc. | $5,000 | Media arts | |
2019-09-15 | 2019-20 | Share - Artists in Community | Misericordia Health Centre | $10,200 | Visual arts | |
2019-10-15 | 2019-20 | Learn - Travel/PD | Chimwemwe Undi | $698 | Literary arts | |
2019-09-15 | 2019-20 | Support - Strengthen | Canzona Inc. | $5,000 | Music | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Sylvia Matas | $10,400 | Media arts; Visual arts | |
2019-09-15 | 2019-20 | Support - Strengthen | First Fridays in the Exchange Inc. | $5,000 | Craft; Dance; Inter-arts; Media arts; Theatre; Visual arts | |
2019-09-25 | 2019-20 | Indigenous 360 - Create | Joanne Soldier | $15,000 | Craft; Visual arts | |
2019-10-15 | 2019-20 | Learn - Travel/PD | Sonya Ballantyne | $605 | Media arts | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | S.M. Beiko | $8,500 | Literary arts | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Ming Hon | $6,700 | Dance; Inter-arts; Media arts; Theatre; Visual arts | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Chimwemwe Undi | $5,500 | Literary arts | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Nora Decter | $12,000 | Literary arts | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Rhayne Vermette | $15,000 | Media arts; Music | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Glen Johnson | $15,000 | Inter-arts | |
2019-09-25 | 2019-20 | Indigenous 360 - Create | Jessica Canard | $2,221 | Visual arts | |
2019-10-15 | 2019-20 | Learn - Travel/PD | Solmund MacPherson | $1,000 | Literary arts; Media arts | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Chantel Mierau | $15,000 | Craft; Media arts; Visual arts | |
2019-09-25 | 2019-20 | Indigenous 360 - Share | David A. Robertson | $7,500 | Literary arts | |
2019-10-15 | 2019-20 | Learn - Travel/PD | Joyce Clouston | $1,000 | Literary arts | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Bev Pike | $15,000 | Visual arts | |
2019-09-25 | 2019-20 | Indigenous 360 - Create | Waawaate | $15,000 | Dance; Theatre | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Craig Love | $15,000 | Visual arts | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Heidi Malazdrewich | $4,500 | Theatre | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Lauren Carter | $15,000 | Literary arts | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Melissa Van Soelen | $7,500 | Craft; Inter-arts; Media arts; Visual arts | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Wren Brian | $5,000 | Theatre | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Alexandra Elliott | $2,000 | Dance | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Theatre by the River Inc. | $15,000 | Theatre | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Patricia Robertson | $15,000 | Literary arts | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | The Happy Phantoms Collective | $12,800 | Dance; Inter-arts; Theatre | |
2019-11-01 | 2019-20 | Learn - Residencies | Tricia Wasney | $1,250 | Craft | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Andrew Balfour | $6,740 | Music | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Emma Hendrix | $15,000 | Media arts | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Leah Decter | $15,000 | Other | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Matthew Handscombe | $6,305 | Theatre | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Bram Keast | $7,500 | Visual arts | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Dasha Plett | $7,500 | Inter-arts; Theatre | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Luke Nickel | $9,150 | Media arts; Music | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Joel Penner | $7,500 | Media arts | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Alana MacDougall | $3,685 | Visual arts | |
2019-10-10 | 2019-20 | Create | Scott Ford | $4,200 | Literary arts | |
2019-10-15 | 2019-20 | Learn - Travel/PD | Milos Mitrovic | $1,000 | Media arts | |
2019-10-15 | 2019-20 | Learn - Travel/PD | Tricia Wasney | $1,000 | Craft |