Grant Results

Search the awards made by the Manitoba Arts Council since the end of 2018* (when MAC launched its online application system, Manipogo).

You can filter and sort search results based on deadline, fiscal year †, recipient ‡, amount, and discipline.

These results are updated daily.

MAC also publishes a statistical overview of awarded grants and peer assessors annually. You can find these documents on the Research page.

* Grant results prior to the end of 2018 are available on our Plans and Reports webpage
† MAC’s fiscal year runs from April 1 to March 31.
‡ Individual recipients may be listed by a professional name if it is different from their legal name.

4054 results. Page 39 of 82.

Deadline Year Program Recipient Amount Disciplines Note
2022-10-10 2022-23 Create Nnadozie Ekeocha $7,031 Media arts
2022-10-10 2022-23 Create Christina Hajjar $7,031 Literary arts; Media arts; Visual arts
2022-10-10 2022-23 Create Sam K MacKinnon $7,031 Literary arts
2023-02-15 2023-24 Create Lyndon Radchenka $7,031 Literary arts
2024-09-15 2024-25 Share - Artists in Community Winnipeg Chinese Senior Association $7,031 Dance; Music; Other
2024-10-05 2024-25 Share - Artists in Schools Lasha Mowchun $7,026 Media arts in partnership with Manitou Elementary
2018-12-06 2018-19 Create bola opaleke $7,000 Literary arts
2018-11-29 2018-19 Indigenous 360 - Create Wabiska Ma’iingan $7,000 Media arts; Visual arts
2019-03-10 2019-20 Learn - Residencies Erin McGrath $7,000 Dance; Music; Theatre
2019-10-10 2019-20 Create Luther Konadu $7,000 Visual arts
2019-09-10 2019-20 Share - Present Theatre by the River Inc. $7,000 Theatre
2020-09-10 2020-21 Share - Present Alexandra Elliott $7,000 Dance; Music; Other
2020-10-10 2020-21 Create Margaret Sweatman $7,000 Literary arts
2020-10-10 2020-21 Create Cherissa Richards $7,000 Theatre
2020-10-10 2020-21 Create Christina Hajjar $7,000 Literary arts; Media arts; Visual arts
2020-10-10 2020-21 Create Kristin Snowbird $7,000 Dance; Visual arts; Other
2021-02-15 2021-22 Create Cale Plett $7,000 Literary arts
2021-02-15 2021-22 Create Adriana Alarcón $7,000 Craft
2021-02-15 2021-22 Create Derrick Gardner $7,000 Music
2021-07-05 2021-22 Arts and Culture Sustainability Fund Les Éditions du Blé $7,000 Literary arts
2021-07-05 2021-22 Arts and Culture Sustainability Fund The Edge Urban Art Centre $7,000 Craft; Visual arts
2021-07-05 2021-22 Support - Adapt Theatre by the River Inc. $7,000 Theatre
2021-07-05 2021-22 Arts and Culture Sustainability Fund Associated Manitoba Arts Festivals Inc. $7,000 Dance; Music; Theatre; Visual arts; Other
2021-07-05 2021-22 Support - Adapt Helga Jakobson $7,000 Media arts
2021-09-25 2021-22 Indigenous 360 - Create Frances Koncan $7,000 Theatre
2021-10-10 2021-22 Create Jessica Hodgson $7,000 Craft; Visual arts
2021-10-10 2021-22 Create Graham Wiebe $7,000 Visual arts
2021-10-10 2021-22 Create Raine Hamilton $7,000 Music; Visual arts
2022-06-05 2022-23 Share - Artists in Schools Ursula Neufeld $7,000 Craft; Visual arts in partnership with Wapanohki School
2022-10-25 2022-23 Indigenous 360 Joyce Clouston $7,000
2023-01-25 2023-24 Support - Operate Troyanda Ukrainian Dance Ensemble, Inc. $7,000 Dance
2022-02-25 2022-23 Share - Present Gallery 1C03, University of Winnipeg $7,000 Visual arts
2022-02-15 2022-23 Create Zilla Jones $7,000 Literary arts
2022-03-08 2021-22 Support - Adapt Theatre by the River Inc. $7,000 Theatre
2022-03-08 2021-22 Support - Adapt Glenn Buhr $7,000 Literary arts; Music
2024-05-15 2024-25 Support - Community Impact Winnipeg River Arts Council $7,000
2024-10-10 2024-25 Create D-Anne Kuby $7,000 Dance
2023-06-05 2023-24 Share - Artists in Schools Evans Coffie $6,980 in partnership with VIRDEN JUNIOR HIGH
2022-03-25 2022-23 Indigenous 360 - Create Sandra Cook $6,950 Visual arts
2024-10-05 2024-25 Share - Artists in Schools Sarah Teakle $6,923 Visual arts in partnership with Happy Thought School
2021-02-15 2021-22 Create Nichol Marsch $6,900 Craft; Visual arts
2022-02-15 2021-22 Support - Arts Leaders Ashley Au $6,876 Inter-arts; Media arts; Music; Other
2020-09-15 2020-21 Share - Artists in Community Goldrock Press $6,875 Literary arts
2021-06-05 2021-22 Share - Artists in Schools Freeze Frame $6,875 Media arts in partnership with Institut Collégial St. Paul's Collegiate
2021-11-15 2021-22 Recognize - Competitions Eckhardt-Gramatte National Music Competition $6,875 Music
2021-11-15 2021-22 Recognize - Competitions Winnipeg Film Group $6,875 Media arts
2021-11-15 2021-22 Recognize - Competitions WNDX Inc. $6,875 Media arts
2023-09-15 2023-24 Share - Artists in Community Natalie Baird & Toby Gillies $6,875 Craft; Visual arts
2023-10-10 2023-24 Create Owen Toews $6,875 Literary arts
2024-01-30 2024-25 Share - Artists in Community GRIOTS LOUNGE PUBLISHING CANADA $6,875 Literary arts

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